The art of job matchmaking There’s a certain finesse required in any artistic process and matching people with jobs is no different. Speaking to some of our Datafin Recruiters, I uncovered what goes into the art of job matchmaking. To get that almost “perfect match” – when connecting a candidate and client in a successful career union. We may not be playing cupid and matchmaking dating profiles for a “love connection” but there’s definitely similarities in the process of how we go about it. Getting to know both parties and their expectations – In the dating realm, singletons often have a mental checklist of traits their potential love interest should meet, in order to deem them eligible enough. So too, our clients and candidates have their criteria of what they desire in the workspace. Like they say, some people marry for money and others for love. Often a person would prefer a more favourable remuneration package or higher commission. Others want a company they can feel is their “work home” where their passion for what they do can ignite and grow. Datafin Consultant Wendy Campbell says it requires delving deeper when getting to know a potential job seeker to get…
Adopt your own mantra on the road to successWritten by: Janis Kinnear Somewhere along the line, someone on the Datafin team initiated a mantra we ended up just going with for the year. We set off each new month by attaching an adjective, or two, or three, to describe that specified month. For the technical folk – using Alliteration to inject positivity and fuel the team to be motivated for the month ahead. It was “Fabulous February” and “Magical March”. Came April, our customized recruitment mantra slash cheer or battle cry grew, even stronger with “Astronomically Abundant April”. Some months proved a little trickier than others – like October. To slot in that descriptive word with just the right motivational ring to it. Whereas the month before, we had countless words to put in front like Super, Successful, Sterling, Stupendous and Stunning September. So, we bent our own rules a tad and went with the mandatory Rocktober! Many of the blogs I write are often about holding onto the positive bits. Having hope despite the stress of trying to find a job when you’re unemployed, making a daunting career shift or simply navigating the complexities of the workplace. These are…
When you make your time matter you live more intentionally. You thereby enhance your actions. Ultimately, becoming aware of just how valuable your time is. You start doing more of what will make your time count. Life goals and gains like finding that dream job will no longer be a mere tedious task. What you do with the time you have becomes vital. A job hunt then becomes a tool to transform your existence. “The trouble is you think you have time.” We have reached the tail end of the year. A time when this Buddha quote rings so true for many of us. Suddenly you realise you never looked at job sites. You forgot to update your CV.Those mental notes unticked, and nothing actioned. And now it’s nearly Christmas. Businesses are winding down as festivity plans get underway. Time has flown by, and you have not utilized it as you promised yourself you would. The holiday season often sets off that nagging voice in your head of “woulda, shoulda, coulda”. It could be that voice bemoaning you over wishing you had a job that affords you more free time. To be able to go on that family vacay. Or…
As South Africans we shall soon cast our very critically important ballot at the election polls. Your vote ensures simple pleasures like your neighbourhood maintaining a pristine aesthetic. That’s if, of course, your dirt bins get regularly collected – and on the assigned day. Your vote decides who takes charge of your municipality and your city. It’s an invaluable exercise which reminds us that we still live in a democracy. A country where you have the right to justice and my personal favourite – freedom of expression. In the workplace, your voice is that tool to express and give input as a member of the team. Similarly, in any job, use your voice as you would your vote. Navigating the complexities around the workplace IS tricky since many companies now operate remotely. it has Thus become more crucial to speak up and voice your concerns. Each team member plays a pivotal role in the cog of the business engine. A colleague closely linked to your workflow might not be doing something in a specific way you would like. To ensure continuation or optimal productivity, have a chat with them to iron this issue out quickly. Communication platforms like MS Teams…
Be it Rugby or Recruitment – being ethical ensures long-term successWritten by: Janis Kinnear After a nail-biting match, the 2023 Webb Ellis Trophy came home to South African soil. The victory is greatly attributed to SA Rugby Team Captain Siya Kolisi’s leadership. in the realms of Rugby or Recruitment, Kolisi exemplifies how being ethical ensures long-term success. South Africans continue to beam with pride after the SA Rugby Teams’ triumph having won this year’s World Cup trophy. Team Captain Siya Kolisi has been lauded for being an ethical leader who genuinely cares about his country’s people. The battle on the rugby field is refereed by strict rules of the game. If you opt to play dirty it can be costly (sorry All Blacks). Our national Rugby team tried to maintain fair play. And this display of sticking to the rules, plus their mad Rugby skills of course, proved that being ethical ensures long-term success and victory. When people are your business, you deal with the element of unpredictability. Practicing ethical recruitment helps avoid bulldozing tactics. It also presents a show of understanding. Particularly during the recruitment process when candidates or clients’ circumstances change at the drop of a hat. Here…
Datafin and EdTech company HyperionDev are set to enter a joint partnership To get Tech Grads more “industry ready”. And, not only get Grads struggling to find work a foot in the door but equipped with staying power to secure a job. The struggle to find work is realer than ever before. Despite Grads being fully qualified. They either can’t find a job or keep one. That’s why Datafin and HyperionDev have decided to enter a joint partnership to get Tech Grads more “industry ready”. This partnership aims to not only get Grads into the workforce, but secure and keep jobs. Grads come armed for what they believe will be success in the job market. Course Degree or Certificate. Check. CV drawn up. Check. And an ambition to join teams at the forefront of cutting-edge tech. Using code and science to make our lives easier by conjuring up the latest software and gadgets. But despite being prepped for what they hope will guarantee them a job, qualified Grads are still struggling to secure jobs. Even after an Internship – they are not always being kept on. Left back to a LinkedIn status of “Open to work”. Collaborative efforts between field…
Utilise your cv profile to not only get a “swipe right” and make a career love connection, but a job match made in heaven GETTING a “swipe right” on your CV in order to make a true career love connection, will fortunately for you, be based on more than just a great selfie with good lighting. One you managed to post on your dating profile to gain attention or to get that favourable “swipe right” like on popular dating app, Tinder. And, in the hunt for that “dream job”, your CV serves as the first visual glimpse into who you might be or present as. WhEN TRYING GET A “SWIPE RIGHT” ON YOUR cv PROFILE, YOUR jOB HISTORY MATTERS MORE – Unlike on your dating profile, it’s your job history compared to a picture of you, that gets your CV shortlisted. Even if an actual photograph of you is displayed on your CV, your work credentials matter more. More than whether you have the look of a possible unsuspecting “Tinder Swindler” or the appearance of having the personality of a pea. Similarly, as you would venture online to find a potential love interest, finding that job that is a good…
Over the last few years, we as a nation and world have been in survival mode. We have gone into overdrive to assess, adapt and act on instinct. Having been faced with very real-life threatening circumstances. Medical and financial hardships were felt by so many of the world’s population in something we only imagined in sci-fi movies. COVID! It’s like a swear word these days and one we would rather not talk about. This year after a well-deserved rest, I hope we all were lucky to have, we need to launch ourselves forward with positivity and inner motivation to achieve our goals and aspirations. May it be in our personal lives and professional ones too. Things you can do to kick start the process: Apply for that job you have been dreaming of. Research what your next move should be. Register for your studies you have put off the last year due to the workload. Enforce that structure into your life to create the balance between work and home life. Whatever you have been dreaming or voicing your concerns on in 2022, 2023 is now the time to get moving on making them a reality. Start simple and work your…
2022 has been a year we can all say was challenging. As we near the festive season and start to wind down for our holiday festivities and a well-deserved break, we can’t but think of “Wow! What a long and hard year this was.” We started the year in ‘good ol’ lock down mode with Covid running wild however in no time at all restrictions lifted, no masks, no more vaccination requirements and life was getting back on track for most. So many excited, happy and hopeful smiles were seen once again. Companies were running full speed ahead and staff were returning into the office again. (Not that this was a welcome change to the remote working rule for some.
) This year we have encountered very different types of challenges and candidates reasons for leaving have been a lot different to pre-covid times. First challenge was definitely Covid, Vaccination policies, Loadshedding (with no light at the end of the tunnel for us), Flooding, Political upheaval all of which made it rather difficult to find candidates willing to make the move under all these conditions. Our most heard reasons for leaving from our candidates were definitely: “I would like…
Regular feedback: A critical tool to gain a competitive edge in business & strengthen hybrid/remote staff and client relations Utilising feedback sessions serves as a critical tool in post-pandemic business models to gain a competitive edge by strengthening staff and productivity. With more companies having adopted a hybrid or remote working environment, there is an obvious disconnect when it comes to the human element. With less physical interaction where mostly everyone is no longer collectively in the same space at the same time, video platforms are now where team chats, interviews and meetings take place. The provision of a communication channel or way to have regular catchups, is especially useful to maintain some sort of team synergy and ultimately, ensure that your company performs optimally with or without a concrete office. Bridge the gap with regular check-ins As a fully remote operation itself, we here at Datafin have become more aware of the effectiveness of having regular check-ins with our clients and candidates alike. Human connection is at the heart of our business, and we need to get a feel for the people we deal with. Since Covid, many candidates have more introspection and want to know aspects such as…