Skip the scarcity mindset and spring into action as your new job awaits

Always thinking about what you don’t have. You focus on what’s missing and secretly believe you could never attain it. That you never have enough – the pay hike, the promotion, or the job of your dreams. Well, that’s the scarcity mindset.

Skip the scarcity mindset today. It’s that recurring thought pattern that for example – you will never get that dream job. The one you’ve been hoping would miraculously find you. By applying the following techniques, you could skip the scarcity mindset and instead, spring into action as your new job awaits. By acting now, you could be setting off into the new year with a stunning new job. That job you can be passionate about. Or one that’s more lucrative to get your debt down. Or a job that allows you to finally purchase that SUV you’ve had your eye on. When you skip the scarcity mindset, it will give way to see you transition into a mindset of abundance.

Take a deep breath and really take the time to evaluate the positives in your current position.

If you really think about it, you have an almost natural instinct to pre-empt possible risks on projects. Or perhaps you’re meticulous to a fault – your colleagues even find it admirable. Maybe you just have the ability to negotiate the best deals or prices for a product or contract. Celebrate your existing skill set you know your next employer will eventually discover and be grateful for. Confident they made the right choice giving you a spot on their team. We can’t all be good at everything. But acknowledging your strengths and honing them over time could set you apart. Make you stand out from other applicants in the running for that job you’ve always wanted.

Change the negative narrative you keep telling yourself.

Our inner voice is active for most of the day. Some studies suggest we have over 50 000 thoughts per day – that’s a ginormous amount of self-talk. So, when it comes to making a career change that voice needs to be positive. You need to dig deep to bring out the self-driven individual you can be. Block out time in your day to job-hunt – preferably when there are no disturbances when you can zoom in on the task at hand. And when you apply, tell yourself each application is a step closer to where you want to be. When you get that hunch that this job might be “The One” – think it, claim it, and even profess aloud that that position IS YOURS!

As we edge closer to the new year, spring into action now rather than later.

Once Spring brings its toastier weather and fields dotted in a colourful array of beautiful blossoms – it quickly strikes you that the end of the year is nigh. This is not the time to revel in the art of procrastination. The new job is not going to tap into your phone location and send you a notification to come and get it. Spring into action now as your new job awaits – maybe even at the start of the new year.

Take out your existing CV and sit with it – really fine comb each section. You may want to rework your duties, change your picture to a more recent selfie (preferably not a snap from a night out at the bar on Thirsty Thursdays😉 a decent and professional display of yourself). Maybe you want to add technologies to your Skills Matrix or change your contact details, references or include GitHub or other portfolio links or include whether you’re now more open to working hybrid or onsite. You want to present the most updated version so potential employers can get a quick profile of the “real time” candidate you are.

Reflect on your career journey by noting the pockets of excellence and all you’ve overcome to get to where you are right now.

According to – “Often we get caught up in wanting more that we forget how much we already have. Taking time to reflect on your life can help you notice what you have and how that has helped you get to where you are now.” You didn’t get to where you are without overcoming hurdles and neither without doing something right. Datafin recently celebrated 25 years in the business of Recruitment which is no easy feat. The business has survived recessions and a global pandemic, and these are milestones one must use as fuel for the next leg on the road to success. Acknowledge every difficult season of your career journey but also celebrate the wins you managed to achieve.

Once you manage to skip the scarcity mindset and spring into action – you can finally shift your thought process into an abundance mindset.

The scarcity mindset often means we have tunnel vision – only focused on what you don’t have, and it often creates these mental blocks to seize opportunities to make a change. To skip the scarcity mindset requires strengthening your self-belief into that “Can Do Attitude” – a key attribute many clients of the companies we recruit for would like our candidates to display. This of course doesn’t happen overnight but requires daily practice of mindfulness and positive thinking when you spring into action.


                                                                                                                                                                            Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour… Rumi

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