Promote your resilience to potential employers
IF there’s one thing the Covid-19 pandemic proved – it’s that we as humans are a resilient bunch. We played what I like to call “real-life Survivor” confined to our four walls for days on end. Through that difficult period, we found creative ways to busy ourselves, make money and connect with loved ones. Most importantly, we managed to stay positive and soldier on with the belief we would make it through to the other side.
Bosses are giving preference to employing more resilient staff. Now post-pandemic - interviews provide key opportunities to promote your resilience.
Today more than ever post-pandemic, that innate resilient nature is what many bosses want to see in you. Resilience is a character trait that appears on many job specs. Applicants are required to have the ability not to cave under pressure. To continue to thrive in your career despite any challenges and setbacks you may face in both your work and personal life. Most interviews often include that question posed to describe how you navigated a difficult or challenging situation. This is an opportune moment to promote your resilience to potential employers. It proves hugely beneficial to companies, as staff who have faced setbacks often make for better employees.
According to a report by McKinsey and the World Economic Forum, research now shows that employees who have overcome difficulties tend to be:
- More adaptable when facing change
- Stronger problem-solvers under pressure
- More engaged and committed to their work
- Better leaders in uncertain situations
It will be a “hard no” for me. This is one variant of rejection - an often ego-crushing hurdle everyone needs to overcome at some stage. Ask any Recruiter, they know this one all too well.
Recruiters face many no’s before they get that magical yes. Clients rejecting candidates we believe would have been “the one” for the job. Candidates simply “ghosting” us after initially being so interested in a position or not turning up for interviews without reason. It’s a tough industry like many and being resilient in the face of setbacks is absolutely critical. Getting over hurdles is an inherent part of not only Recruitment, but most jobs out there. So, promote your resilience to potential employers and let them know you’ve got what it takes to face any challenge.
Even when things are seemingly going well, you can be hit with an unforeseen setback.
Recruitment Consultants often find a stunning candidate who matches the job and company like a glove. The process will reach the stage where the person receives an employment offer. One we believe based on their enthusiasm and successful interview stages – the candidate will grab with both hands. But then their existing company sometimes counteroffers and just like that. Poof! Placement is not made as the candidate decides to stay put.
Credit or criminal checks requested by some clients may reveal a candidate’s past discretions. It could come back to bite you or not. Sometimes the way in which you dealt with the situation - that is the distinctive component bosses want to know. Promote your resilience and it could even help to set you apart from other candidates.
Shortlisted candidates vying for the top spot for that stunning role often have to be vetted via credit, criminal and qualification checks. If someone does have a criminal record, it usually dates back years having occurred when they were much younger. Criminal records are a non-negotiable for clients, but Recruiters often get the context of what happened and take that information back to the client. At their discretion, your potential new employer will review the incident and how you dealt with it, that resilience to take control of a setback could result in that criminal charge, not costing you a dream job.
As one of our Datafin Consultant’s recalls: “We recently had a candidate who had a criminal record for possession of weed more than 20 years ago. He paid a R50 Admission of Guilt fine, but they still recorded it on his name as a charge. I ran a criminal check, and it came back positive for this very charge. The best thing he could have done was keep all his paperwork from all those years again which proved he paid an Admission of Guilt. My client offered him the job. “
Some setbacks are more traumatic than others. We have had candidates forced to stay out of work for lengthy periods due to having an op or being involved in horrific car accidents. Yet these candidates remain resilient.
Recently one of our candidates went for an interview with a potential employer and was so confident she was getting the job. She was so assured the position was hers, she prepared by taking the bus the next day to “map her route to work”.
But then our Datafin Recruiter could not get hold of her for two days thereafter, only to discover she had been involved in a traumatic incident.
The following transpired she explains: “She went AWOL for two days only for me to find out that she was held up at gunpoint. My client offered her the role and she started last week.”
Next job interview, take the opportunity to promote your resilience. A resilient candidate is one who can still emerge with a silver lining and bag the job.
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