Picture having your morning coffee with a breathtaking view of a landscape of ice, glistening freshwater lakes and rocky terrain while cosily tucked away in your hi-tech and luxurious interior designed camping pod. And to top it off, this is your workplace. Yes, that’s what dream jobs are made of and sometimes they do come true. One of our candidate’s will be jetting off to the continent of Antarctica and if he had failed to keep applying, he would have missed out on his new job adventure – an opportunity of a lifetime.

Don’t quit the job hunt and keep applying, as behind one closed door, another could open to a career you’ve always been dreaming of

The term job hunt is called that for the very reason it physically requires one to scour job sites and to keep applying to as many different positions until you find what matches your skillset or desired job. It can be tedious and what feels like a closed door in your face, every time you receive unsuccessful feedback. In Recruitment circles, these perceived “failures” such as candidates not turning up for an interview without any notification, is a natural part of the job. Job offers, even if they appear seemingly perfect for the individual, could still be reneged on after a candidate has verbally accepted. The Recruitment Consultant, however, has to keep applying themselves and remain focused on the end goal of finding a suitable person for the role.

A failed attempt, is one attempt closer to a win and embarking on that new job adventure

The Antarctica job opportunity didn’t materialise without any hiccups. The Consultant was faced with an initial hurdle but managed to present to the client an amazing candidate who was probably “destined” for this incredible career move. What initially appeared as a failed attempt, was one attempt closer to a win which was ultimately attained by all parties involved. When you think the closed door will remain as such and stop exploring jobs and submitting your CV, it could mean a missed opportunity to start an exciting new job adventure. Any Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, or Digital Influencer will tell you to keep going at it is consistency – to keep doing what you need to do to reach your goal despite closed doors and unexpected bumps in the road – that is what matters most.

Put on your imaginary explorer hat and stay resolute on your path to your dream career

New countries, inventions, and dream careers have rarely happened overnight. It can take years of exploration and failed tries before hitting the mark – often what felt virtually impossible becoming a real thing. So too, your change in career path needs you to not quit the Recruitment process or lose hope in the Recruitment Consultant after one interview perhaps that didn’t go well. The natural feelings of disappointment and frustration will be there no doubt, but it is after those moments you need to remember what you’re fighting for. Of course, we all may not be fortunate enough to gain a trip to another continent, but it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t afford ourselves the belief, that an exciting new job adventure, could be closer than we think.

Posted in Advice, Inspiration, Job Search, Motivation, Positivity, Uncategorised

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