As always, the dawn of a new year brings with it the age-old cliché “wake-up and smell the coffee” frenzy, which has been trending as the term “New Year, New Me” with the arrival of 2020. The memes though have been pretty loaded with sarcasm as many people don’t believe in this hype with the renewal of one’s self just because the new year has begun. But don’t be fooled, many of us will still be resolute to work towards our new year’s resolutions.

I for one, bought a very bougie looking water bottle as a step towards one of my goals which is, that mentally I hope, a pretty bottle will help increase my intake of H2O. And yes, while you will probably never be as new as you were when you exited the womb, you sure can try to refresh.

These revival tactics are often vital when returning to work after the festive period which is often accompanied by a lack of motivation to get back into the swing of things. So, here’s a practical guide with a few simple ways to kickstart your inner worker bee –

Start your day with a positive action – While you’re commuting to work, why not listen to an inspirational audio book or even a song that puts you right into your happy place. Set a work goal or gain for the day and make it your mission to fulfil it – you’d be surprised how the little achievements actually drive you to get more done and encourage you to tackle the more tedious or difficult tasks with a better attitude.

Unclutter or spruce up your workspace – Get rid of any old paperwork, slips and unnecessary items you don’t even use. If you still have your 2019 diary on your desk, check if there’s anything important you need from it and then replace it with the new one. I’m getting myself one of these nifty USB desk fans (idea stolen from my colleague who already has one) to help me endure those unbearably hot days. Ask your boss for a new chair if you know the existing one is not supporting your back enough. We all know the workday can be a long one so therefore, the comfier you are, the more productive you will be.

Delete & change up – Just as your desk or workstation needs to be sorted, so does your PC. Have emails and files you don’t need, send them to the recycle bin. Change your screensaver – perhaps a picture of a new car you’ve been tempted to buy or a motivational quote to give you a mental boost especially on those days you really, really feel like quitting your job.

Update your skillset or learn something new – Refreshing is also about improving your existing abilities. Sign up for a short course or ask your boss about a training program you’re interested in – it doesn’t necessarily have to be a new skill, could even be a refresher course in an area of your job scope you want to be updated on, for e.g. the latest version of a software program you work on. The course or program could also be on a topic you feel could aid you in becoming a more productive or happier worker like Stress Management.

Nourish your worker soul – It’s no secret that many of us won’t be able to make it through the day without our routine caffeine fix. Whatever your poison, whether it be a smoothie or proper English brekkie, ensure you have your fave coffee or other type of drink and meals you require to keep you energized for the day. Hence, also my new water bottle to help keep me sufficiently hydrated throughout the day.

Take a break & breathe – And I don’t mean get your lunch and back to your desk. No, take a break away from your workstation and give your eyes a rest from the screen. Take a walk outside and breathe in some fresh air. You could also have your lunch in a meeting room but have it elsewhere from where you would be tempted to just quickly finish off a work-related task. You could even try a quick meditation session by simply closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths in and out.

So, here’s to 2020 and getting our systems rebooted to tackle the new year with renewed zest😉

Posted in Recruitment

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