IN times of chaos, commit to Small gains to alleviate the stress of reaching big goals
While working towards any goal, life happens, and stress can leave you feeling like throwing in the towel. But change your focus instead to commit to small gains chasing your dream job. Ask any fitness enthusiast or IT entrepreneur how they remained on track despite unforeseen hurdles, I’m sure they will tell you small wins are crucial to ensure you don’t quit your dream and keep eye on the prize. If the ultimate goal is making a career move, the ever-evolving landscape of work and life since Covid hit, may be feeling more daunting than ever before.
Chaotic times amplifies feelings of stress and uncertainty
It doesn’t take a magnifying glass to be aware of how chaotic life has been not only in South Africa, but across the world, ever since a certain pandemic entered our lives. There was the confusion when restrictions were apparently lifted around wearing masks (some of us still wondering about the absence of a formal “family meeting” announcement) and company vaccine mandates. Then petrol hikes fueling the rising cost of living. And let’s not forget, Eskom’s recent switcheroo of loadshedding stages which left one feeling almost in need of a scientific calculator to figure out when exactly the lights would be out. Even the super focused may be feeling slightly off kilter with having to navigate all the above.
Take a time out and surround yourself with positive affirmations
Amidst all the current stressors, it may be a good idea to put time aside where you can think clearly and reassess or realign your plan of action. Some helpful tips to declutter your head and bring you back to a space of Zen could include avoiding negative news for a while. Take a break from your social media feeds. Or you could spend some time outside in nature or simply in a space of complete quiet. Surround yourself with positive affirmations or anything that lifts your mood. Tune into podcasts or watch a motivational YouTuber like Impact Theory’s Tom Bilyeu or Mel Robbins – author of The 5 Second Rule. There are also numerous Life Coaches on Insta offering tips to inject positivity into your life, or game or watch your fave Anime – tap into what feeds your mind and soul and distracts you from any anxiety or distress.
commit to small gains chasing your dream job and Set your sights on smaller realistic goals
Once you’re feeling some sort of focus again, jot down small action points which are realistically achievable. Each small goal achieved gets you a step closer towards the ultimate big change or dream career. Perhaps you want a job more specialised or focused in certain core area. You could be a Data Analyst wanting to evolve and become a Data Scientist or a Software Developer wanting to only do Python coding. You might even want to ditch your current career altogether and venture into something completely new.
Many a CV has crossed my screen and I’m always fascinated by people who have vastly different career paths from one job to another. My personal favourite, since I dabbled in it myself when I was young, was from a Ballet Dancer and now the guy has “pirouetted over” (picture painted in my mind) to the world of IT. It’s a refreshing reminder that you have choices in life to fulfil any job you’d like if you put your mind to it.
Instead of simply applying, crossing fingers, and waiting for you dream career to arrive on your doorstep, start researching what type of skillset you will need. Browse online or even correspondence courses offered to equip you for the role. If you have approached a recruitment agency like Datafin, contact us and enquire about a specific job you really would love to be in. Have a chat with a Recruitment Consultant who could offer more insight around this position like the most essential requirements companies look for.
Stay committed and see small gains give you that nudge forward
As the saying goes – Rome wasn’t built in a day. So too, any momentous change or dream doesn’t miraculously appear overnight – unless you have a dream job Fairy Godmother lurking around somewhere. It takes time and staying consistent and committed despite any stress, chaos, or bumps along the way. When you decide to do a short course or attend a workshop, fully immerse yourself in that task and aim to complete it successfully. Even if you only decide to make a simple positive change to your morning or daily routine, do it with intention and over time a gradual ripple effect will ensue. Take each small gain, pat yourself on the back and use that win to propel you towards the end goal of seeing what started off as a vision or idea, materialise and ultimately see the change of growth in you.
“The man who moves a mountain, begins by carrying away small stones”… Confucius