The art of job matchmaking There’s a certain finesse required in any artistic process and matching people with jobs is no different. Speaking to some of our Datafin Recruiters, I uncovered what goes into the art of job matchmaking. To get that almost “perfect match” – when connecting a candidate and client in a successful career union. We may not be playing cupid and matchmaking dating profiles for a “love connection” but there’s definitely similarities in the process of how we go about it. Getting to know both parties and their expectations – In the dating realm, singletons often have a mental checklist of traits their potential love interest should meet, in order to deem them eligible enough. So too, our clients and candidates have their criteria of what they desire in the workspace. Like they say, some people marry for money and others for love. Often a person would prefer a more favourable remuneration package or higher commission. Others want a company they can feel is their “work home” where their passion for what they do can ignite and grow. Datafin Consultant Wendy Campbell says it requires delving deeper when getting to know a potential job seeker to get…
Invest in YOU by pursuing that dream job There’s just something about the new year that revitalises our being. Probably as good a time as any to use that renewed vigour to invest in YOU. Re-purpose your efforts and let’s help you in your pursuit of that dream job. The trendy term in motivational circles is “New Year, New You”. But to get to a “New You”, it will first require a positive mental shift. If you’re feeling that drive to kickstart the job-hunt then use that positive momentum in each task you undertake. Use your mind-fuel and start thinking of what your dream job looks like. Hone the belief that you can achieve it, once you really put your mind to it. Reflect on your WHY. What it would mean to you if this dream job became a reality. You need to connect with your existing career. Ask yourself how you came to be in your current position. Some might say they felt pressured into following suit in the path of their parents or siblings. Perhaps you were desperate to pay off study loans or had debt weighing heavy on you so you thought the job would bring you…
When you make your time matter you live more intentionally. You thereby enhance your actions. Ultimately, becoming aware of just how valuable your time is. You start doing more of what will make your time count. Life goals and gains like finding that dream job will no longer be a mere tedious task. What you do with the time you have becomes vital. A job hunt then becomes a tool to transform your existence. “The trouble is you think you have time.” We have reached the tail end of the year. A time when this Buddha quote rings so true for many of us. Suddenly you realise you never looked at job sites. You forgot to update your CV.Those mental notes unticked, and nothing actioned. And now it’s nearly Christmas. Businesses are winding down as festivity plans get underway. Time has flown by, and you have not utilized it as you promised yourself you would. The holiday season often sets off that nagging voice in your head of “woulda, shoulda, coulda”. It could be that voice bemoaning you over wishing you had a job that affords you more free time. To be able to go on that family vacay. Or…
SPREAD THE WINNING STREAK AT WORK ADOPTING key strategies to spread the winning streak at work will fuel an average team into a gear of high-performance. When each member works to not only see themselves succeed, but the entire group, teams not only meet but exceed company goals. Redirect any “narcissistic” traits into a desire to see long-term results for the team and the company as a whole. If you’re on the socials and we know you are. At least one of them. Very “busy” with that report, tending to that priority Support call or resolving that coding error. When really eyes are glued to a screen checking the “ticking and tocking” of the latest craze on TikTok. Specifically in the dating realm of social media, you’ve probably heard the buzzword “narcissist” flying around (could also have been a direct verbal slingshot from your significant other to your ears). There are countless videos of how to spot one or avoid being one. Often with individual work goals – like having your sights set on that promotion – “narcissistic” type behaviour may rear its ugly head. Not playing fair and disregarding your colleagues in your pursuit to the top. Instead of…
Skip the scarcity mindset and spring into action as your new job awaits Always thinking about what you don’t have. You focus on what’s missing and secretly believe you could never attain it. That you never have enough – the pay hike, the promotion, or the job of your dreams. Well, that’s the scarcity mindset. Skip the scarcity mindset today. It’s that recurring thought pattern that for example – you will never get that dream job. The one you’ve been hoping would miraculously find you. By applying the following techniques, you could skip the scarcity mindset and instead, spring into action as your new job awaits. By acting now, you could be setting off into the new year with a stunning new job. That job you can be passionate about. Or one that’s more lucrative to get your debt down. Or a job that allows you to finally purchase that SUV you’ve had your eye on. When you skip the scarcity mindset, it will give way to see you transition into a mindset of abundance. Take a deep breath and really take the time to evaluate the positives in your current position. If you really think about it, you have…
Grit and golden treatment service, has seen sisters and Datafin co-owners, build one of the country’s top Recruitment Agencies Hearing the latest social media term “Delulu” (aka delusional), a broken convection oven in need of repair and a newly acquired pet – a chameleon named “Stick”. These revelations emerge in a Monday morning MS Teams meeting. This, after a quick check-in with members of the all-women team managed by Datafin Recruitment bosses and sisters, Lindy Sollinger and Bev Sollinger. But amidst malfunctioning cooking devices and recounting having to Facetime the grandkid to show that “Stick” is indeed still alive and well – runs a well-oiled Recruitment Agency – a top contender in the SA landscape. Celebrating Women’s Month this August, I wanted to find out if the Sollinger duo always envisioned having a business, how it transformed into a staff compliment of women only and the secret ingredients to Datafin’s success. Initially starting out working for a Recruitment company herself, Lindy soon learnt the ropes and decided this was something she could pursue independently. “I always knew that I wanted to run my own business, but my heart became set on it when working for bosses in a recruitment company…
Spotting candidates red flags is a Recruiter’s invaluable human tool Spotting candidates red flags takes a mix of robust screening and experience. Then that human hunch a Recruitment Consultant gets that something may be amiss. Spotting candidates red flags is a Recruiter’s invaluable human tool. In any engagement between Recruitment Consultant and candidate, there’s a rapport of unspoken trust established. The candidate entrusts a Recruiter to find them a job that’s in sync with their vision for their career path. Sometimes it’s to grow their skillset. It might be to work in a team with a shared mission. Or perhaps to soar to seniority where you can lead and impart onto others your expertise. But the trust in the Recruiter-Candidate relationship needs to be a 2-way street. Spotting candidates red flags is a Recruiter’s invaluable human tool. While certain red flags are obvious others require closer examination. This usually follows our human instinct that kicks in when your internal suspicious alert goes off. The first introduction to any candidate is their CV. This is the first point of scrutiny where a Recruiter will fact-check. Questionable aspects like discrepancies in dates will be noted. Or huge gaps in employment or moving…
No hibernating while trying to “glow up” your career While you may feel like crawling into a cave and emerging when sunnier days are upon us, don’t put the hunt for your dream job on hold. No hibernating when trying to “glow up” your career – instead you should be ramping up your efforts. Fighting the Winter blues requires additional fuel to heat up your attempts to move closer to the job you desire. Dragging yourself out of bed during the icy chill of Winter, for some requires an extra strong signal from your brain to shove your body into action. Even for us working from home, (I know, how dare we complain), it’s a mission to rise and shine during the colder season. When it’s still pitch-black outside at 6am and you need to layer your clothing, looking like an Alaskan safeguarding yourself from the frosty bite of the snow. Fill your head with inspirational content. Could be a book, e-book or podcast to guide your brain into optimistic thought. Consider getting an app with daily alerts of motivational quotes. These are a nudge as a reminder that the job hunt – above all else – requires a positive…
As South Africans we shall soon cast our very critically important ballot at the election polls. Your vote ensures simple pleasures like your neighbourhood maintaining a pristine aesthetic. That’s if, of course, your dirt bins get regularly collected – and on the assigned day. Your vote decides who takes charge of your municipality and your city. It’s an invaluable exercise which reminds us that we still live in a democracy. A country where you have the right to justice and my personal favourite – freedom of expression. In the workplace, your voice is that tool to express and give input as a member of the team. Similarly, in any job, use your voice as you would your vote. Navigating the complexities around the workplace IS tricky since many companies now operate remotely. it has Thus become more crucial to speak up and voice your concerns. Each team member plays a pivotal role in the cog of the business engine. A colleague closely linked to your workflow might not be doing something in a specific way you would like. To ensure continuation or optimal productivity, have a chat with them to iron this issue out quickly. Communication platforms like MS Teams…
Even if you possess a niche skill, it’s risky putting all your eggs into one basket. Especially when applying for a new job. Get another basket instead of putting all your eggs into one. You’re obviously good at several other things. By taking this into account, you could spread your career wings and bag the job you never knew you needed. The dream position could be waiting for you. To be unwrapped like a shiny, and not forgetting, deliciously decadent, chocolate Easter egg. One thing Covid taught us is that our comfort zone, like with many things in life, is not for keeps. Here at Datafin, our vision was to become one of the leading IT Recruitment Agencies in South Africa. Today we can safely and confidently say we have attained this status. We became settled in the sphere of being Specialists in recruiting all kinds of IT professionals. However, the business landscape changed drastically with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many industries, including IT, suffered job losses. We also continue to lose highly skilled Devs to the drawcard of earning dollars and pounds. Also, the opportunity to live in a more stable economy. So, we adapted our business…