The initial intro to this blog set the tone for all things pleasant and joyous with the approach of Yuletide festivities. But when a certain state parastatal suddenly hit us with the extreme Stage 6 phase of power cuts, the load shedding elephant could not be ignored. And I’m sure many of you, myself included, quickly transformed into grump-angry mode, much like the green coloured main character of the Christmas-themed animation, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. But in a time of literal darkness, there have been glimpses of light. People reported spending time with loved ones in the glimmer of LED or candlelight and taking a tech break from all the “gramming” on Insta and the check-ins and selfie posts on Facebook.
Yes, like with all unexpected rough and tumble stumbling blocks of life, there is always a little light at the end of the tunnel. And, it is with this philosophy, that I urge we not let the current electricity woes spoil our festive fun. We have been engineered to weather the storms and we survive.
Let’s spare a thought for those who managed to get a job after a lengthy spell of unemployment after countless applications and unsuccessful interviews. Or for those recovering after faced with an uncertain future when the company announced they would be retrenching. And if you are still enduring these troubled waters, hold on tight and stay positive, things have a funny way of working themselves out.
Here at Datafin this year, we survived 20 years in the recruitment industry, which included a recession. It has been an often-bumpy road navigating the art of recruiting, paved with tough negotiation and, learning to push through despite let downs and closed doors. But it has also seen through business development, the company form long-term bonds with clients who took a chance on us. And ultimately, some of the most special and rewarding moments – seeing candidates bag the job of their dreams.
So, this holiday season, let’s think sun and surf, family time and for muah, it will be indulging in a MUCH-NEEDED snooze fest! These don’t require any number of kilowatts. Stock up on batteries and get the Xmas fairy lights which don’t need to be plugged in. Enjoy an eggnog with those nearest and dearest to you as we share tactics for surviving all types of shedding of water and power and even careers, we weren’t happy with.
But before you jet off and leave your inbox to gradually fill up, as those ten thousand emails gather to greet you in the new year, we at Datafin would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to you.
A HUGE THANK YOU to every one of our clients and candidates who have supported and will continue to support our business. Thank you for entrusting your career dreams and vision for an exceptional staff compliment in our hands.
We as the Datafin team would like to wish you and your families a Safe, Blessed and Fantastic festive season. Happy Holidays xx